Itineraries (Test 5B)

If you want to practise and revise for the test (Listening comprehension), here is the test I gave to the 5Bs: download (télécharge) the podcas, listen to it three times, and try to follow the route p16 in your book (map of Deal).


La correction est à télécharger sous le fichier audio.

Entraîne-toi avant de regarder la correction !

Test 5B/ Enjoy5
07 Piste 07 7.mp3
MP3 Audio File 1.6 MB
Correction itinéraire CO piste7
5 - Seq3 correction test CO 5B.jpg
JPG Image 63.0 KB

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Comments: 1
  • #1

    Martin (Friday, 28 September 2012 10:58)

    THX for info