How much do you know about the cinema?


Cinema pioneers:

When was the cinema invented? (name the decade)
When did “talkies” appear?  -in the 1900s    -in the early 20s    -in the late 1920s

Try to identify these people: 


Name four best picture milestones in the 1970s:

Name four best picture milestones in the 2000s:

Cinema vocabulary and movie genres:
Have a look at and write down the English equivalents for the following words:
réalisateur :                                                     bande-annonce :
metteur en scène :                                           générique :
court-métrage :                                                sous-titré :
long-métrage :                                                 voix off :
tournage :                                                        scénario :

If you still need any help:

Movie genres : (Find out on Google)
Name a war film:
Name a rom-com:
Name a Sci-Fi film:


Hollywood and its stars:
During which ceremonies are the movie stars rewarded with a golden statuette?

Famous film directors: match the names to the photos:
James  Cameron      Steven Spielberg      George Lucas       Tim Burton     Orson Welles

Do the same with these famous actors and actresses:

Robert De Niro              James Dean            Morgan Freeman          Steve McQueen

Keira Knightley                    Clark Gable

Which one of these actors has never been James Bond?

Sean Connery/ Roger Moore/ Mark Walhberg/ Daniel Craig/ Pierce Brosnan/ Timothy Dalton?


If you’re still struggling with some of the questions, two websites may help you:

Webquest créée à partir d’une webquest sur le même thème trouvée sur internet :

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