New York City: Webquests

How much do you know about NEW YORK?!!


1) Answer the first part of this webquest.

2) Gather information about the monument or landmark that was assigned to your group.

PART 1) Answer the first part of the webquest (worksheet)

NY boroughs
NY map boroughs.png
Portable Network Image Format 161.7 KB
Manhattan 3D
manhattan 3D.jpg
JPG Image 227.8 KB
Map of Manhattan
Map Manhattan.jpg
JPG Image 227.8 KB
Manhattan plan
manhattan plan.gif
Graphic Interchange format 209.7 KB

Part II) Gather information about the monument or the landmark assigned to your group:

NY skyline in figures
NY skyline in figures

Si le dernier lien est en dérangement, servez-vous de cette image pour les infos !